iam wisi quam lorem vestibulum nec nibh, sollicitudin volutpat at libero litora, non adipiscing. Nulla nunc porta lorem, nascetur pede massa mauris lectus lectus, in magnis, praesent turpis. Ut wisi luctus ullamcorper. Et ullamcorper sollicitudin elit odio consequat mau... Read more
WordPress admin bar contains useful shortcuts for logged in users of your site. You can easily disable it from your profile, or hide it for all users except administrators. However when you hide it, you lose those useful shortcuts which can very helpful. In this article... Read more
Post Gallery in WordPress themes is the most used and popular blogging platform around the web. Its flexibility, usability and customizability are the main reasons people regard WordPress so high. Another reason is the huge array of themes available for WordPress – you... Read more